Where Is Democrats’ Plan to Cut Spending?

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) made these remarks on the House floor.

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25 Responses to Where Is Democrats’ Plan to Cut Spending?

  1. TheMercilessEye says:

    @kbar8888 You’ll love the post I made over at an Al Franken video… watch?v=ILUdLxOu55I
    (flips coin) We are of TWO minds regarding Ms. Rand. One must help one’s self before one helps others, and one needs others to ensure one can help one’s self adequately. We are nothing without our fellow men and women. But unless we care for ourselves first, we are of no use to anyone…

  2. kbar8888 says:

    @TheMercilessEye This debate was just like a scene out of “Atlas Shrugged”. In AS the looters are constantly trying to buy more time for their irrational policies to work. Today in Washington the congress did just what the looters in AS did. They bought themselves a little more time, hoping that somehow removing massive amounts of money from the productive economy to the looter economy will create more production. It won’t. “You can’t make the irrational work!” — Henry Reardon.

  3. micsc50 says:

    @TheMercilessEye Maybe you will soon find out but I doubt it because Obongo Care will be repealed because it is unconstitutional.

  4. TheMercilessEye says:

    @micsc50 I think it likelier than anything the Republicans have come up with yet. Thanks.

  5. 1968clifton says:

    @pf1030 then walk yo happy ass over to the dumb side. hows that?

  6. micsc50 says:

    @TheMercilessEye Well maybe you can afford Obongo care and it will help you. Good luck with that.

  7. TheMercilessEye says:

    @micsc50 What I am looking for is health care I can AFFORD. PERIOD. Thanks to deregulation of Big Pharma begun under that poster-boy for Alzheimer’s, Ronnie Ray-gun, meds now cost three to four times MORE in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world. Your spewing about how the US is “#1 in quality” doesn’t mean SHIT to people who can’t AFFORD it. Lotsa luck if YOU end up needing a brain-scan – costs range anywhere between $500-$5000 – like, with no insurance, that matters, though…

  8. micsc50 says:

    @TheMercilessEye U are looking forward to Gov. HC that you will have to buy or be fined. This HC bill written by someone who didn’t read it. Covers 10 mil. more people with the same amount of doctors. Also adds 16000 new IRS Agents (What for?). Signed by a President that smokes and has exempted all his union buddies himself and his donating corp from it. I am sorry to hear that you have a chronic illness but it sounds to me like you might want to have your mind checked out to Dude.

  9. TheMercilessEye says:

    @NanoEmpyrean Here’s a better idea, nano-brain: how about YOU don’t speak of ANYTHING aloud.
    We don’t NEED all this phoney spending on illicit wars and non-existent ‘threats’. Anybody who attacks us with our current level of hardware is TOAST. We can spend a SIXTH of what we’re spending on military R&D and still come out on top. I think American Education could use a substantial boost, given it’s rather poor performance, thus far…as exemplified by you, for instance…

  10. TheMercilessEye says:

    @micsc50 No, MORON…I just want to be ABLE TO AFFORD the health care AND prescriptions I need for my chronic illness…which isn’t exactly easy while I’m unemployed, thanks to losing my job because of the fuckups caused by the fatcats on wall street and in the banking industry. I pay my own way, I had my own insurance thanks to my former employer, but now that I’m jobless I can’t even afford prescriptions for my family…so FUCK YOU, asshole.

  11. micsc50 says:

    @TheMercilessEye You want the government and taxpayer to provide your health care? It doesn’t work in other countries like Canada and England > You think we can do it right in America with the democRAT party making the rules?

  12. NanoEmpyrean says:

    cutting funds to the pentagon, is killing that who protects our wealth and freedom. It’s time for those (who wanna pretend that there is some magical fountain of funds going to entitlments) to wake up or move to another country.

    You can’t entice EDUCATED americans by producing jobs in china.
    So the American education would be a good institution to attack, but let us not speak of this aloud.

  13. NanoEmpyrean says:

    why should we keep granting american companies tax-breaks for their job creation in china?

    Funneling american currency into a comunist, economic blackhole, doesn’t seem to be helping our recovery.

  14. TheMercilessEye says:

    @chuck3377 I agree, chuck. And I think micsc50 is just a poorly-written BOT. :P

  15. TheMercilessEye says:

    @micsc50 OH, you mean the people who we PAY out MORE to, than we get BACK? FRUIT BAT?

  16. micsc50 says:

    @chuck3377 Tell it to my love lizard you black lizard licking cum twat. I got your bull swinging and guess what its a John Holmes style whitey.

  17. micsc50 says:

    @TheMercilessEye According to the New York Slimes studt if the study is based on quality alone then the US health care is # 1 CASE CLOSED MOON BAT!

  18. micsc50 says:

    @TheMercilessEye Thats why we have INSURANCE you brain dead moon bat. Even rich people buy insurance If you are poor you don’t pay for it anyway. GOT THAT GENIUS?

  19. TheseusTheKing says:

    does it weird anyone else out that one side of his hair is receding faster than the other?

  20. chuck3377 says:

    @TheMercilessEye I susupect micsc50 is one of these govt troll programs that web blogs and posts to make it look like there are actually americans out there who believe the lies of the corporate fascist state. We could be trying to convince a computer program. So many ppl are waking up globally, Egypt, Syria, Libya, 150k in Israel in streets last weekend, Greece, all over world Muslims, Jews, Christian all uniting protesting against this brand of corporate fascism, cia is worried of awakening.

  21. chuck3377 says:

    @TheMercilessEye Max Kieser reported the u.s. “intelligence” has purchased computers and computer programs hooked up to web to blog and post comments that are pro corporate fascism. They are meant to manufarcture consent, making it look like there are actually people out their that agree with this idiotic non factual, nonsence. People are waking up, like me and you, the cia is worried about it, for so long they used corporate media to push this agenda now its failing globally, global riots.

  22. chuck3377 says:

    @micsc50 Wrong again govt troll, tell the lizard loving white shoe boys that your line of shit is no longer believed by the american public, youve been exposed, your bullshit, expect us.

  23. TheMercilessEye says:

    @micsc50 A lotta good quality does for you if you can’t AFFORD it, moron…pffft. CASE CLOSED.

  24. TheMercilessEye says:

    @chuck3377 micsc50 is an idiot. He tells me that “the WHO has a lot of different factors in their study, including COST (my caps), and if you take out these HIDDEN FACTORS (my caps again) the US is #1.”
    What a fucking moron. Uh, yeah….like COST is a ‘hidden factor.’ lolol…incredible stupidity…

  25. TheMercilessEye says:

    @micsc50 Since when is COST a ‘hidden factor?” lolol…you are really stupid, man. Sorry, YOU’VE been OWNED.